Accessing the ScholarOne Manuscripts Site
- The submission and reviewing of TiiS manuscripts are managed in the following website:
- TiiS page of ScholarOne Manuscripts (opens in a new tab or window)
- If you don’t already have account information, please see the notes below.
- Log in and read the introduction on the Welcome page, which also explains the subsequent steps.
- From this point on, you will find instructions and hints for each page (designed to ensure quick access and relevance to ACM TiiS) that will help you to enter the necessary information about your submission efficiently.
No Account Information?
- To access the site, you will need an account for this specific journal (ACM TiiS).
- You will already have such an account if ...
- ... you have previously created one; or
- ... you have recently been invited to serve as a reviewer, in which case the account information will have been emailed to you.
- If you have an account but don’t have the User ID and Password at hand:
- Have this information emailed to you by typing the email address associated with the account into the field under
- Have this information emailed to you by typing the email address associated with the account into the field under
- If you don’t yet have an account, it will take just a couple of minutes to create one:
- Click on the tab
near the top right-hand corner of the page.
- Feel free to enter only the required information marked with
You will be able later to edit or expand your account information from inside the system via the
- Please use conventional capitalization for your name (e.g., “Marie Curie” instead of “marie CURIE”), which will look better in the various contexts in which your name will appear.
- Click on the tab
- If you already have a ScholarOne Manuscripts account for a different journal:
- If you find it convenient, you can reuse the existing User ID and password when creating your TiiS account – or you can edit them accordingly if your TiiS account was created for you by someone else.
- But the new account will still be separate from the existing one, giving access only to TiiS-related documents.
Warning About Pop-Up Blockers?
- When you first visit the submission site, you may see a message telling you to disable all pop-up blockers on your computer.
- If you are going to work as an author or as a reviewer, you don’t need to do anything that drastic:
- Your browser should simply be willing to accept pop-ups from that are invoked when you click on a link – not a strong requirement.
- If you’re not sure about your pop-up configuration, don’t worry about this issue unless you should see some evidence that a pop-up is being blocked (e.g., a warning given by your browser).