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The ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems

(Latest update: Friday, February 19th, 2016)

TiiS (pronounced “T double-eye S”) is an ACM journal for research about intelligent systems that people interact with.

The journal publishes articles on research concerning the design, realization, or evaluation of interactive systems that incorporate some form of machine intelligence.

TiiS articles come from a wide range of research areas and communities. An article can take any of several complementary views of interactive intelligent systems, focusing on ...

  • the intelligent technology,
  • the interaction of users with the system, or
  • both aspects at once.

Most Recent News

  • The editors-in-chief of TiiS are pleased to join the ACM Publications Board in announcing the appointment as new editor-in-chief of Dr. Michelle X. Zhou, a leading researcher in the field of interactive intelligent systems and a prominent representative of the Intelligent User Interfaces community of ACM. Dr. Zhou will be supported by Dr. Anbang Xu as information director. The new 3-year editor-in-chief term begins on February 1st; the transition will become visible step by step between now and about mid-February.

Other News

  • Seven authors of TiiS articles accepted during the year 2015 will offer presentations of their articles at the 2016 ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (Sonoma, California, March 7–10), in accordance with a cooperation agreement between ACM TiiS and the IUI steering committee.
  • At the 2015 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys) in Vienna, the following cooperation agreement between the RecSys conference series and ACM TiiS was announced:
    • A RecSys 2015 author whose paper contains a substantial interaction component (or can be extended to include such a component) can submit an extended version to a special TiiS issue “Highlights of RecSys 2015”. The special issue associate editors are Giovanni Semeraro and Marco de Gemmis, program cochair and proceedings chair, respectively, of RecSys 2015. This arrangement is to be repeated in future years. repeated in future years.
    • A TiiS author of an article of relevance to the RecSys community can present it at the next RecSys conference.
  • Details on procedures and dates have been provided directly to the authors in question.


Current and Upcoming Issues

The most recent complete issue of ACM TiiS, 5(4), comprises 3 regular articles plus the first 2 articles of the special issue on New Directions in Eye Gaze for Interactive Intelligent Systems.

The next issue, 6(1), which will be appearing incrementally in the Digital Library, comprises 2 regular articles; Part 2 of the special issue on New Directions in Eye Gaze for Interactive Intelligent Systems; and Part 1 of the special issue on Highlights of IUI 2015, which includes extended versions of especially strong papers from the 20th ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces .

TiiS Cover

Citation Statistics

The most complete overview of citations of published TiiS articles can be found on the following Google Scholar page:

Here is an overview of the number of citations per article as a function of the year of publication (as of January, 2015, with each editorial introduction counted as 1/2 “article”):

Year of Publication Average # citations per article
2011 (October)10.3

Availability of Articles

TiiS articles are widely available in the ACM Digital Library and in printed issues. In addition, authors can use ACM’s free Author-izer service to provide unrestricted access to the official ACM versions of their published TiiS articles from a web page of their choice, as in this link to the editorial introduction in the journal’s inaugural issue:

ACM DL Author-ize service
Introduction to the Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
Anthony Jameson and John Riedl
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 1(1), 2011
ACM Author Rights

ACM recently introduced new options for authors to manage rights and permissions for their work: a new publishing license agreement, an updated copyright transfer agreement, and a new author-pays option which allows for perpetual open access through the ACM Digital Library. For more information, visit the ACM Author Rights webpage at


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TiiS has a Facebook page that keeps interested persons informed about the latest news from the journal. To have updates sent to you, you can “follow” the page: