Recognizing Time Pressure and Cognitive Load on the Basis of Speech: An Experimental Study
By Christian Müller, Barbara Großmann-Hutter, Anthony Jameson, Ralf Rummer, and Frank Wittig (2001)
In M. Bauer, P. Gmytrasiewicz, & J. Vassileva (Hrsg.), UM2001, User Modeling: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference (S. 24–33). Berlin: Springer.
In an experimental environment, we simulated the situation of a user who gives speech input to a system while walking through an airport. The time pressure on the subjects and the requirement to navigate while speaking were manipulated orthogonally. Each of the 32 subjects generated 80 utterances, which were coded semi-automatically with respect to a wide range of features, such as filled pauses. The experiment yielded new results concerning the effects of time pressure and cognitive load on speech. To see whether a system can automatically identify these conditions on the basis of speech input, we had this task performed for each subject by a Bayesian network that had been learned on the basis of the experimental data for the other subjects. The results shed light on the conditions that determine the accuracy of such recognition.
Awarded Kluwer Academic Publishers’ Best Research Paper prize at UM01.Citations
BibTeX entry
@incollection{MuellerGJ+01, year = {2001}, author = {{M\”{u}ller}, Christian and {Gro{\ss}mann-Hutter}, Barbara and {Jameson}, Anthony and {Rummer}, Ralf and {Wittig}, Frank}, editor = {{Bauer}, Mathias and {Gmytrasiewicz}, Piotr and {Vassileva}, Julita}, title = {Recognizing Time Pressure and Cognitive Load on the Basis of Speech: An Experimental Study}, booktitle = {{UM2001}, {U}ser {M}odeling: Proceedings of the {E}ighth {I}nternational {C}onference}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {24--33}}