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Most Recent Project

[3cixty logo] 3cixty

January 2014 – December 2016

  • Comprising more than 10 partners and 5 startups from 6 countries, this EIT Digital flagship activity integrated results from numerous European research projects to create and test a platform for apps and services that offer unusually comprehensive views to city visitors. The core of the platform is a knowledge base that includes integrated data about events, points of interest, and modes of transportation in a city, coupled with a uniform querying mechanism.
  • In addition to handling the activity leadership, the DFKI team contributed its Parallel Exploration technology to a showcase application for planning city visits that exploits the integrated representation of diverse types of information about a city.
  • 3cixty’s entry was awarded the first prize in the 2015 Semantic Web Challenge.
  • In the third and final year, the results were commercialized in various ways, mostly by the company Data-Moove. The DFKI spin-off company Chusable AG was founded in late 2016 partly with the goal of exploiting Parallel Exploration.

Earlier Projects (Selection)

[Apps for Your Car logo] Apps for Your Car

January – December 2013

  • This project (funded by EIT ITC Labs) conducted several lines of application-oriented research aimed at yielding best practices and tools for the rapidly growing class of mobile applications for use in automobiles.
  • The work of the DFKI team focused on ways of supporting the choices that drivers make while selecting applications of this type.
[Glocal logo] Glocal

December, 2009 – November, 2012

  • The overall goal of the European Integrating Project Glocal was to develop improved techniques for the sharing of media (e.g., photos and videos) among professional and/or nonprofessional users by supporting the organization of media in terms of events.
  • The DFKI team was responsible mainly for the design and evaluation of (personalized) user interfaces that enable users to benefit from the technology developed in the project. The most general result was the paradigm of parallel faceted browsing, which is illustrated with the demonstrator that was developed in technology transfer project EventMAP (funded by EIT ITC Labs).
[Prevolution] Prevolution

December 2007 – March 2010

  • This small targeted research unit, funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento, set itself the goal of helping researchers in HCI better to understand and take into account the choices and decisions that computer users make about their use of interactive technology.
[Halo logo] Project Halo 2

2004 – 2009

  • Responsible for usability engineering, user support, and evaluation design within the DarkMatter team led by ontoprise, one of two teams working within this Vulcan-sponsored project toward the development of a “Digital Aristotle”: an application capable of answering novel questions and solving advanced problems in a broad range of scientific disciplines. Refinement phase: from February 2007.
[MeMo logo] MeMo: Usability Workbench for Rapid Product Development

July 2006 – June 2008

  • In this project, funded by T-Labs (Berlin), a workbench is being developed that allows the simulation of the users’ interaction with (variants of) a given system for the prediction of usability-relevant indices such as error frequencies and execution times.
[nil] SharedLife

2006 – 2008

[COLLATE logo] Evaluation Center for Language Technology Systems within the DFKI Competence Center for Language Technology

2002 – 2007

  • Advancing the methodology for usability evaluation of a broad range of language technology systems.
  • Conducting evaluations for companies developing such systems.
  • Conducting comparative evaluations of several dozen German-language spoken dialog systems for the Voice Award competition.
[Specter] SPECTER

2003 – 2005

  • User-oriented development of a context- and affect-aware personal assistant that augments the user’s episodic memory and supports decision making in instrumented environments.
[SemIPort logo] SemIPort, Semantic Methods and Tools for Information Portals

2002 – 2005

  • Development of personalized, ontology-based support for users of scientific information portals.
[READY logo] READY, Resource-adaptive dialog

1996 – 2004

  • Investigating various fundamental issues in a decision-theoretic approach to adaptation to a user’s situationally determined time pressure and cognitive load.