Basic Information
Choice Support as a Component of Persuasive Technology
- The presented slides are available as a PDF file.
Date and Place
- Tuesday, April 4th, 2017, 9:00–12:30
- Persuasive Technology 2017, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Anthony Jameson, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
Contribution and Benefit
Double your persuasive technology skills by learning how to help people choose for themselves.
Brief Tutorial Description
Note: The brief description on this page is similar to the one published on the Persuasive Technology 2017 website.
This half-day tutorial offers researchers, practitioners, and students in the persuasive technology field a deep understanding of a theme introduced in the presenter’s keynote talk at Persuasive Technology 2013: People in the persuasive technology field should be able to use technology not only to persuade people to do particular things but also to help people choose for themselves. The tutorial will clarify this distinction, motivate the central claim, and introduce the participants systematically to the scientific knowledge and thought patterns that they need in order to be able to combine persuasion with choice support.
During the tutorial, general concepts and principles will be introduced with reference to concrete examples. Participants will be encouraged to contribute actively on the basis of their experience with the problems that they face in their own work.
After the tutorial, participants will be able to deepen their knowledge to any extent that they like by consulting the book-length monograph Choice Architecture for Human-Computer Interaction and optionally by pursuing the primary references cited in that work.
Documents With More Details
Detailed Tutorial Description
The following 4-page document is an adapted and updated version of the tutorial proposal that was submitted to the Persuasive Technology 2017 chairs in November 2016.
Book-Length Monograph
The following book presents in detail the psychologically founded models of everyday choice and choice support that constitute the foundation for this tutorial. By special arrangement with the publisher, the book has been made available without cost via the presenter’s web homepage.
- Jameson, A., Berendt, B., Gabrielli, S., Gena, C., Cena, F., Vernero, F., & Reinecke, K. (2014). Choice architecture for human-computer interaction. Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction, 7(1–2), 1–235.
Unlike the tutorial, the book does not focus primarily on applications in the persuasive technology field, but the relevance for persuasive technology is explained in a number of places in the book. The key concepts and principles will be introduced during the tutorial with reference to concrete examples, but interested participants may want to look at the book in advance.