Personalized Support for Interaction With Scientific Information Portals
By Eric Schwarzkopf and Anthony Jameson (2003)
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval, Hamburg.
We present the conception of a personalized interaction environment for scientific information portals. This environment will support the user in finding documents via the portal but also in managing and working with these documents once they have been retrieved. To this end, it will combine existing techniques such as document management systems, automatic recommenders, and browsing assistants via an underlying user model representing the current interests of the user. The described environment is currently in its early implementation phase, with an early version of the document management tool completed. Our ideas and suggestions are presented here as points for discussion at the workshop.
BibTeX entry
@inproceedings{SchwarzkopfJ03, year = {2003}, author = {{Schwarzkopf}, Eric and {Jameson}, Anthony}, title = {Personalized Support for Interaction With Scientific Information Portals}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval}, address = {Hamburg}}