Wie können Ressourcenbeschränkungen eines Dialogpartners erkannt und berücksichtigt werden?
[How Can Resource Limitations of a Dialog Partner Be Recognized and Taken Into Account?]
By Ralph Schäfer, Thomas Weis, Thomas Weyrath, and Anthony Jameson (1997)
Kognitionswissenschaft, 6, 151–164.
This paper reports on research on the question of how a dialog system can recognize and adapt to the resource limitations of its user: specifically, limitations of time and working memory. The results of an exploratory study, together with other empirical research, yield a number of probabilistic causal relationships among relevant variables. It is shown how these relationships can be represented in dynamic Bayesian networks and used as a basis for inferences and decisions of a dialog system.
BibTeX entry
@article{SchaeferWW+97, year = {1997}, author = {{Sch\”{a}fer}, Ralph and {Weis}, Thomas and {Weyrath}, Thomas and {Jameson}, Anthony}, title = {{Wie k\”{o}nnen Ressourcenbeschr\”{a}nkungen eines Dialogpartners erkannt und ber\”{u}cksichtigt werden?} [{H}ow Can Resource Limitations of a Dialog Partner Be Recognized and Taken Into Account?]}, journal = {Kognitionswissenschaft}, volume = {6}, pages = {151--164}}