The Relationship of User Errors to Perceived Usability of a Spoken Dialogue System
By Antti Oulasvirta, Sebastian Möller, Klaus Engelbrecht, and Anthony Jameson (2006)
Proceedings of the Second ISCA/DEGA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems, Berlin, S. 61–67.
An experiment (N=24) was conducted with a spoken dialogue system (a smart thome system), in which the users carried out several tasks with the system and rated its usability. Users’ interactions were analyzed from the perspective of human error research done in human factors and cognitive ergonomics, distinguishing between goal-, concept-, task-, and command-level errors. This paper raises the question of how the interrelationship between errors and usability perceptions should be studied. Preliminary results are presented from correlational and factor- analytical approaches.
BibTeX entry
@inproceedings{OulasvirtaME+06, year = {2006}, author = {{Oulasvirta}, Antti and {M\”{o}ller}, Sebastian and {Engelbrecht}, Klaus and {Jameson}, Anthony}, title = {The Relationship of User Errors to Perceived Usability of a Spoken Dialogue System}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Second ISCA/DEGA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems}}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {61--67}}