Introduction to the Special Issue on “Usable AI”
By Anthony Jameson, Aaron Spaulding, and Neil Yorke-Smith (2009)
AI Magazine, 30(4), 11–14.
When creating algorithms or systems that are supposed to be used by people, we should be able to adopt a “binocular” view of users’ interaction with intelligent systems: a view that regards the design of interaction and the design of intelligent algorithms as interrelated parts of a single design problem. This special issue offers a coherent set of articles on two levels of generality that illustrate the binocular view and help readers to adopt it.
All of the papers in the special issue on “Usable AI” are available from the AI Magazine website.Contents of the Special Issue
- Jameson, A.; Spaulding, A.; and Yorke-Smith, N.: Introduction to the Special Issue on “Usable AI”.
Theme Articles
- Lieberman, H.: User Interface Goals, AI Opportunities.
- Jameson, A.: Understanding and Dealing With Usability Side Effects of Intelligent Processing.
- Spaulding, A.; and Weber, J.: Usability Engineering Methods for Interactive Intelligent Systems.
Historical Overview
- Grudin, J.: AI and HCI: Two Fields Divided by a Common Focus.
Case Studies
- Bunt, A.; Conati, C.; and McGrenere, J.: Mixed-Initiative Interface Personalization as a Case Study in Usable AI.
- Lau, T.: Why Programming-by-Demonstration Systems Fail: Lessons Learned for Usable AI.
- Findlater, L.; and Gajos, K.: Design Space and Evaluation Challenges of Adaptive Graphical User Interfaces.
- Faulring, A.; Mohnkern, K.; Steinfeld, A.; and Myers, B.: The Design and Evaluation of User Interfaces for the RADAR Learning Personal Assistant.
- Kristensson, P.: Five Challenges for Intelligent Text Entry Methods.
- Petrelli, D.; Dadzie, A.; and Lanfranchi, V.: Mediating Between AI and Highly Specialized Users.
- Weber, J.; and Yorke-Smith, N.: Designing for Usability of an Adaptive Time Management Assistant.
Full Text of the Introduction
BibTeX entry
@article{JamesonSY09, year = {2009}, author = {{Jameson}, Anthony and {Spaulding}, Aaron and {Yorke-Smith}, Neil}, title = {Introduction to the Special Issue on ``{U}sable {AI}'}, journal = {AI Magazine}, volume = {30}, number = {4}, pages = {11--14}}