Recommendation to Groups
By Anthony Jameson and Barry Smyth (2007)
In P. Brusilovsky, A. Kobsa, & W. Nejdl (Hrsg.), The adaptive web: Methods and strategies of web personalization (S. 596–627). Berlin: Springer.
Whereas the other chapters in this book deal mainly with adaptation to individual users, web-based personalization must in fact often be directed at groups of users. The shift of focus from an individual to a group makes more of a difference than one might expect at first glance. This chapter looks at the new issues that arise when one considers web-based personalization that involves groups. For concreteness, we focus on the subclass of group recommender systems; but we also point to implications for other types of personalization for groups. The chapter is organized around four general issues that arise with group recommender systems, which concern the specification of preferences, the aggregation of preferences, the explanation of recommendations, and the support of final decision making, respectively. We discuss ways in which these issues have been dealt with in a representative set of group recommenders. To illustrate how these analyses can guide and stimulate future work in this area, we also suggest some ways in which existing systems might be extended.
BibTeX entry
@incollection{JamesonS07, year = {2007}, author = {{Jameson}, Anthony and {Smyth}, Barry}, editor = {{Brusilovsky}, Peter and {Kobsa}, Alfred and {Nejdl}, Wolfgang}, title = {Recommendation to Groups}, booktitle = {The Adaptive Web: Methods and Strategies of Web Personalization}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {596--627}, comment = {Chapter 20}}