Cooperating to Be Noncooperative: The Dialog System PRACMA
By Anthony Jameson, Bernhard Kipper, Alassane Ndiaye, Ralph Schäfer, Joep Simons, Thomas Weis, and Detlev Zimmermann (1994)
In B. Nebel & L. Dreschler-Fischer (Hrsg.), KI-94: Advances in artificial intelligence (S. 106–117). Berlin: Springer.
The modeling of noncooperative dialogs, as opposed to dialogs in which the goals of the participants coincide, presents novel challenges to a pragmatically oriented dialog system. PRACMA models noncooperative sales dialogs. In the role of the potential buyer of a used car, the system tries to arrive at a realistic evaluation of the unknown car in spite of biased information presentation on the part of the seller. In the role of the seller, PRACMA tries to form a usable model of the buyer even while using this model to manipulate the buyer’s impressions. To realize this behavior, heterogeneous modules and representation formalisms cooperate within a multi-agent architecture.
BibTeX entry
@incollection{JamesonKN+94, year = {1994}, author = {{Jameson}, Anthony and {Kipper}, Bernhard and {Ndiaye}, Alassane and {Sch\”{a}fer}, Ralph and {Simons}, Joep and {Weis}, Thomas and {Zimmermann}, Detlev}, editor = {{Nebel}, Bernhard and {Dreschler-Fischer}, Leonie}, title = {Cooperating to Be Noncooperative: The Dialog System {PRACMA}}, booktitle = {{KI}-94: Advances in Artificial Intelligence}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {106--117}}