Adapting to the User’s Time and Working Memory Limitations: New Directions of Research
By Anthony Jameson (1998)
In U. J. Timm & M. Rössel (Hrsg.), ABIS-98, Adaptivität und Benutzermodellierung in interaktiven Softwaresystemen. Erlangen: FORWISS.
As interactive computing devices become increasingly mobile, the user’s time limitations and situational distractions are becoming important determinants of the quality of interaction with these devices. Automatic adaptation to such situational constraints is a challenging goal for user modeling research. This paper first briefly summarizes research in the first three-year phase of the READY project, in which a prototype of such a system was developed. It then discusses four new lines of research that will be pursued in this project during its second phase: extension to multimodal interaction; allowing for different degrees of granularity in the modeling of the user; learning the system’s Bayesian networks automatically from empirical data; and dealing with more complex discourse structures.
BibTeX entry
@incollection{Jameson98ABIS, year = {1998}, author = {{Jameson}, Anthony}, editor = {{Timm}, Ulf J. and {R\”{o}ssel}, Marc}, title = {Adapting to the User’s Time and Working Memory Limitations: New Directions of Research}, booktitle = {{ABIS-98, Adaptivit\”{a}t und Benutzermodellierung in interaktiven Softwaresystemen} [{ABIS}-98, {A}daptivity and {U}ser {M}odeling in {I}nteractive {S}oftware {S}ystems]}, address = {Erlangen, Germany}, publisher = {{FORWISS}}}