Empirically Based Decision-Theoretic Methods for Situated Interaction
By Anthony Jameson (2000)
In A. Schmidt (Hrsg.), Situated interaction in ubiquitous computing: Proceedings of a workshop at the CHI 2000 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, The Hague, Netherlands, April 2000 (S. 72–76). Karlsruhe: Universität Karlsruhe, Fakultät für Informatik (Interner Bericht 2000-7).
This brief contribution to a CHI 2000 workshop argues for three claims about research on situated interaction in ubiquitous computing: (a) It is sometimes necessary or useful to obtain information about the situation of the user (U) by interpreting features of U‘s behavior that indirectly reflect U‘s situation. (b) It is often useful to conduct thorough empirical research at an early stage in the design of such systems, rather than at a later stage of evaluation. (c) Decision-theoretic methods from artificial intelligence are in many ways well suited to the task of making the inferences and decisions required if a system (S) is to adapt appropriately to the user’s situation.
BibTeX entry
@incollection{Jameson00CHI, year = {2000}, author = {{Jameson}, Anthony}, editor = {{Schmidt}, Albrecht}, title = {Empirically Based Decision-Theoretic Methods for Situated Interaction}, booktitle = {Situated Interaction in Ubiquitous Computing: Proceedings of a Workshop at the {CHI~2000} {C}onference on {H}uman {F}actors in {C}omputing {S}ystems, {T}he {H}ague, {N}etherlands, {A}pril 2000}, address = {Karlsruhe, Germany}, publisher = {University of Karlsruhe, Faculty of Computer Science (Internal Report 2000-7)}, pages = {72--76}}