IUI 2005: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Edited by John Riedl, Anthony Jameson, Daniel Billsus, and Tessa Lau (2005)
New York: ACM.
The proceedings of IUI 2005 are available via the ACM Digital Library. The conference program is available via the IUI conference series web site. The proceedings Foreword, which is made available here, gives a 2-page overview of the conference.Download
BibTeX entry
@book{IUI05, year = {2005}, editor = {{Riedl}, John and {Jameson}, Anthony and {Billsus}, Daniel and {Lau}, Tessa}, title = {{IUI~2005}: {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}ntelligent {U}ser {I}nterfaces}, address = {New York}, publisher = {ACM}}