A Single-User Tabletop Card Game System for Older Persons: General Lessons Learned From an In-Situ Study
By Silvia Gabrielli, Sergio Bellutti, Anthony Jameson, Chiara Leonardi, and Massimo Zancanaro (2008)
Proceedings of the Third IEEE Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces Workshop, Amsterdam, S. 91–94.
This paper discusses some general results from an in-situ study of the use of a tabletop system for card playing that differs in several ways from most tabletop systems: 1. It was designed primarily for use by senior citizens with little or no computer experience. 2. It is a single-user system, though social interaction with nearby persons during its use is typical. 3. It includes a simple conversational agent (representing the game’s other player). 4. It is used in a setting (a senior citizens’ center) in which the users also play cards in the traditional ways. A total of 42 regular visitors of the center participated over a 4-week period. From our observations and results, we draw several conclusions that should apply to other tabletop systems that share one or more of the characteristics just listed.
BibTeX entry
@inproceedings{GabrielliBJ+08, year = {2008}, author = {{Gabrielli}, Silvia and {Bellutti}, Sergio and {Jameson}, Anthony and {Leonardi}, Chiara and {Zancanaro}, Massimo}, title = {A Single-User Tabletop Card Game System for Older Persons: General Lessons Learned From an In-Situ Study}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third {IEEE} Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces Workshop}, address = {Amsterdam}, pages = {91--94}}