When Policies Are Better Than Plans: Decision-Theoretic Planning of Recommendation Sequences
By Thorsten Bohnenberger and Anthony Jameson (2001)
In J. Lester (Hrsg.), IUI 2001: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (S. 21–24). New York: ACM.
An intelligent user interface sometimes needs to present a sequence of related recommendations to a user, in spite of being uncertain in advance as to whether (and with what success) the user will follow each recommendation. There are potential advantages to the use of decision-theoretic planning methods which yield an optimal policy for the situation-dependent presentation of recommendations. This approach is discussed with reference to an example involving route instructions given by an airport assistance system.
BibTeX entry
@incollection{BohnenbergerJ01, year = {2001}, author = {{Bohnenberger}, Thorsten and {Jameson}, Anthony}, editor = {{Lester}, James}, title = {When Policies Are Better Than Plans: Decision-Theoretic Planning of Recommendation Sequences}, booktitle = {{IUI~2001}: {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}ntelligent {U}ser {I}nterfaces}, address = {New York}, publisher = {ACM}, pages = {21--24}}